
22 sept. 2017

Review | Resistance (Night School #4) by C.J Daugherty

Title : Resistance (Night School #4)

Publisher : Atom

Release Date : June 5th 2014

Genres : Mystery, YA

Pages : 393

Rating : ★★☆☆
After months on the run, Allie returns to Cimmeria Academy to find the school in turmoil. The atmosphere is thick with danger. Overshadowing it all is Nathaniel. He is close – very close – to getting everything he wants.

A secret civil war is tearing the British political elite apart. And Allie’s family is in the thick of it. Both sides want her. She knows Nathaniel will take her by any means necessary. But she is determined to fight him to the end.

Her friends are ready to stand by her – even to die for her. But if anything happens to them she won’t be able to live with herself.

The fightback starts here. Everything is at stake now. The winner takes all…

When you are faced with a clever enemy, one will matched to your strenghts and weaknesses, you must be smarter than him.
You must adapt and innovate if you want to stay alive. Because, however technically perfect your plan might be, there's one thing I can promise you. It will go wrong. Nothing will br as you expect. Night is always darker when you step into it than it seems when you're in a lighted room.

Since Legacy, every book in the series follow the same pattern : Allie gets attacked. She's sent to Cimmeria. Nathaniel's a threat. They try to prepare for him. He finally attacks at the end.
It was okay at the beginning of the series but it is seriously getting tedious. I don't even know why I'm continuing this series but I think it's because I still hope the story has more to offer than this.

Allie is, as I feared, going back and forth between Carter and Sylvain. This book made me remember why I dislike love triangles so much
So how can I say I'm in love with Sylvain ? Or I'm in love with Carter ? I love them both. But I don't know what  "in love" even is .
Oh shoot me please. I rolled my eyes countless times because of sentences like that. Everytime Allie settles with one she focuses on the other's lips and smell and oh maybe she made the wrong choice ? Ugh.
It's not the only annoying thing she's done in this book. I found her, hypocrite, possessive and unlikeable. I didn't like the way she looked at Dom – a new badass character – and thought « What is she doing here ? ». It's official guys, Allie became a mean girl. She makes important decisions on her own and gets mad at everyone for not supporting her when their lives too are at stake. You get the point, I didn't like her. At all.

We finally know who the spy is. The problem is I wasn't excited. I was tired. The author dragged it so much I didn't feel anything except relief that the plot was finally moving forward.
This series could have easily been condensed in three books.

Now let's talk about the vilain : Nathaniel. I mentioned in my review for Fracture that I wanted to hear his side of the story. I wanted to believe he wasn't just a petty power-hungry man. I wanted him to be more nuanced but I was disappointed.

Overall, this series is getting worse. I'm glad I'm finally going to read the last book and put it behind me.

2 commentaires:

  1. I have to agree. This should have been 3 books. And is it me or do they spend most of their time at the academy, "training" and worrying about Nathaniel but they don't actually do anything proactive? I liked this series a lot at first, but by the end.. yeah.

    1. You're right, and the Nightschool classes aren't even that interesting. It's supposed to be what this series is all about but I enjoyed Isabelle's classes better (but that's maybe because I love the subject).
